Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Buzz light year ride was one of our favs

Nathan was so bored because he gave the shooters to Zach and I. The cameras within the rides were pretty cool...we emailed this to our hotmail account. Don't worry nathan got a chance to shoot later.
The buzz light year was a fantastic ride where you were laser gun shooting the bad guys for points. Zach was in heaven.
The lit up z in the background was one of the targets.
Here's Buzz facing down the bad guy at the end. Get him Zach!
Caleb even took part in the action. They look pretty lethal... watch out bad guys!
Zach too is getting awarded a medal of bravery for defeating evil. You are such a good shot Zach!


Pays said...

B's favorite too! We could have just rode that all day and he would have been happy :)

dots said...

ooo...I forgot that Buzz at DL has hand held guns...the ones at DW were attached, so not as easy to manuver...