I'm originally from Washington state where I had hoped to return after college, but it wasn't meant to be (at least not yet). I came all the way to BYU in Utah to get my education and ended up finding Nathan, my husband, who is also from my hometown, and who I dated in high school. Why I had to come all this way beats me. I did finish my degree in Early childhood education in April 2000, however, we decided to start a family rather than have me teach. Kirsten was born in Feb. 2001, then Zachary in Nov. of 2002 and Caleb in Sept. 2006. Now my life is my family and my full time- lifetime job is wife and mother.
For the kids this is the most exciting part of coming to Thanksgiving point...the horsey rides. We try to hold them off till after we have looked at some animals, but they are chewing on the bit to get over there. We give in. Zach chose the biggest horse of all. What a brave little man! Kirsten on her choice of horse a miniature hazelnut horse. Here's Caleb on his medium horse. I put him on the horse and then stepped away to take a picture of him and his sibling...the horse started to move and Caleb was frantic for me to come back to his side and had one hand holding the horse and the other holding my hand. I love to feel needed! Here is the trio in one picture. They all are in heaven. Then it was time for lunch! We had packed a picnic and the kids enjoyed the adventure outside. Although now it was getting a little warm in the direct sun, but there weren't any shaded shots. We ended getting a little sunburned. Caleb probably the worst. On the way home we were trying to keep him awake so he could nap at home. He was playing with his shoes and put them on his cheeks. When we got home I washed off his cheeks with a wipe and put baby lotion on just as habit...the wrong thing to do. That evening he was one big red faced boy.
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