I'm originally from Washington state where I had hoped to return after college, but it wasn't meant to be (at least not yet). I came all the way to BYU in Utah to get my education and ended up finding Nathan, my husband, who is also from my hometown, and who I dated in high school. Why I had to come all this way beats me. I did finish my degree in Early childhood education in April 2000, however, we decided to start a family rather than have me teach. Kirsten was born in Feb. 2001, then Zachary in Nov. of 2002 and Caleb in Sept. 2006. Now my life is my family and my full time- lifetime job is wife and mother.
We were blessed to have family come and visit the week before Kirsten's baptism. Here grandpa Stitt is playing Caleb's favorite pastime...trains. Then is was Zach's turn to have the grandparents attention. They decided on the wi. Zach is quite the race track driver. Grandpa was hard pressed to find a game that he could win at. Sorry Grandpa practice makes perfect and well Zach has had a little more practice. Zach all time favorite thing to do is build and create. The connects were brought out and the creating juices were flowing. Caleb even joined in. Here are some of their creations! What and awesome team!
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