Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Zach is pretty creative, wanna see?

Zach created this turkey in his kindergarten class this thanksgiving and then brought it home for display. We couldn't get enough, so we are displaying it for all to see year round. It says," I am thankful for...," zach filled in " tus (toys), My famule, and mak and ch (mac n cheese, a kids staple)." We love sound spelling and that we made the list!
Zach brought this mustache home from church and wanted me to tape it on him right away. I thought he was looking so big as a 6 year old, but with the serious face he looks sooo much more grown up. No more hair costumes for you Zach.
Here's a close up. Wow, he is so serious, but what a handsome little man!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love it! Tanner was trying to put the potatoe head mustache on himsself the other day too.