I'm originally from Washington state where I had hoped to return after college, but it wasn't meant to be (at least not yet). I came all the way to BYU in Utah to get my education and ended up finding Nathan, my husband, who is also from my hometown, and who I dated in high school. Why I had to come all this way beats me. I did finish my degree in Early childhood education in April 2000, however, we decided to start a family rather than have me teach. Kirsten was born in Feb. 2001, then Zachary in Nov. of 2002 and Caleb in Sept. 2006. Now my life is my family and my full time- lifetime job is wife and mother.
Filling the seconds, minutes, and hours of our summer days!
The kids were playing quietly downstairs one morning and when I went to investigate they were on the sofa, or should I say, " in their horse carriage." I thought it quite creative. Here is the side view and more funny faces. I went garage sale hunting one saturday morning with some friends and found this chalk board/ white board easil for $10.00. What a steal. I had some dollar store side walk chalk and then got some white board markers and a roll of paper for a total of $10 more dollars and wa la ...nice gentle used easil for $20. The paper hooks to the middle dowl and then feeds through the top for coloring or painting. The kids didn't waste any time trying out the newest toy. Our neighbor and friend, Andrew got his mission call to the Dominican Republic West mission and heads out to the MTC on Aug. 12th. I got to watch the youngest of the 7 children clan while Andrew went to the temple for his first endowment session. Joshua is the latest addition to the family and is a little doll. Hailey, just steals my heart every time I see her and she calls after me..."Tafnun..." We got a new tarp cover last November for the playset in the back and are just now getting around to sanding down and staining the wood so we could put it up again. I made some adjustments too. The new grip handles on this side to get up the ladder and some more boards to keep the kiddos from falling out the openings. They've never fallen, but I'm always on pins and needles with worry anyway...until now.
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